Hip Hip

Girl with black hair in bunches and blonde haired boy both wearing 80s tops with watches round their necks

A very mixed class of boys and girls from 4+.  This class is full of energy and fun, that will empower your kiddies to go crazy learning Hip Hop moves, a little break dancing and many other styles of Street Dance.  

These classes are taught by the amazing Daisie and Ella, who will inspire our little dudes to enjoy the freedom of this expressive and creative style of dance.

Saturday 12.30pm – 1.30pm suitable for boys and girls aged 4+

Monday 5.30pm – 6.45pm suitable for boys and girls aged 8+

Online registration required for trial lessons.




Hip Hop at Cirencester Dance Club

This is our first ‘Boys Only’ class, they even asked for a sign for the door saying ‘Girls keep out!’ 

When boys get to a certain age they can be very self-conscious, especially when it comes to dance so we have create a class just for them to encourage more boys to dance.

This class is full of energy and fun, that will empower your kiddies to go crazy learning Hip Hop moves, a little break dancing and many other styles of Street Dance.  

This class is taught by the amazing Banxy who will inspire our little dudes to enjoy the freedom of this expressive and creative style of dance.

Monday 5.35pm – 6.35pm Boys Only aged 7+

Online registration required for trial lessons.



Upcoming Classes

© 2025 Cirencester Dance Club
Registered Charity Number 1118952

Safeguarding Policy / Codes of Conduct